Dr Neil Modha


Dr Neil Modha is a GP Trainer from Peterborough with a passion for management and leadership. His principle role is as managing partner of Thistlemoor Medical Centre, a 30,000 patient practice tailored to look after some of the most challenged and deprived people in his healthcare system, he has worked alongside his mother and father to develop the practice from caring from 700 patients.

Neil leads his GP federation as clinical Chair and is the co-chair of a place based board that brings together the hospital, primarycare, community and the voluntary sector. Neil also spends time working on the specific interface between hospital and general practice and this work won the Health Service Journal Value Award of the year in this current year.

Dr Val


All her patients call her Dr Val.
She is ENT specialist for 30 years. She focuses on providing an outstanding care and treatment .
Dr Val is devoted to the patients and is always there to help and assist her patients.
Dr Val has more than 15000 followers on her health web page

Dr. Azhar M Chaudhry



Dr Chaudhry works as a Primary Care Physician, Partner, Trainer and clinical lead for teaching and training at Thistlemoor Medical Centre, Peterborough. As a recognition of his contributions to the NHS, innovation, research as well as the health and welfare of the community, the Royal College of General Practitioner award him with its fellowship (FRCGP), which is the highest grade of membership and it is the ultimate honour and achievement for a Primary Care Physician.

Dr Chaudhry was nominated as a ‘Trainer of the Year’ in 2020 by the Peterborough Vocational Training Scheme for his contributions to teaching and training. He has been involved in teaching internationally as well – with a group of doctors from the UK, Australia, USA and Canada to teach virtually the family physicians Middle East on the platform of APPNA MERIT USA for the last 2 years.

Dr Chaudhry has been working with various charitable organizations both locally and internationally.

He is a member of British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) and he has been delivering various health awareness programmes including CPR courses, cancer screening programmes, diabetes management in Ramadan annually for the last 4 years in the local mosques, local schools and community centres on behalf of BIMA.

Dr Chaudhry has been educating the public locally as well as internationally and other Urdu understanding countries about various preventable diseases. He has delivered various virtual talks including prevention of stroke, heart disease, pre-diabetes, hypertension, cancer screening, and mental health issues during COVID, thyroid disease and autism. He has delivered more than 20 talks on the awareness of COVID symptoms and importance of taking up the vaccine in last 2 years in local mosques, on radio and also on Zoom.

The international project very close to Dr Chaudhry’s heart is ‘Innovation of Primary Healthcare System in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan’. He has been working on it for the last 3 years. The aim is to develop a UK type Primary Healthcare system in Kashmir – to diagnose and manage all the chronic conditions at Basic Health Unit level. Once this system is fully developed, it will revolutionise the healthcare system in the area.

Dr. Azhar M Chaudhry​


Dr. Hevege


Dr. Hevege is a specialty doctor in community adult mental health. She is well known for her dedication and excellent patient care. Dr. Hevege has multi cultural experience and speaks few languages.


John peach


John is currently Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Peterborough & Cambridgeshire.

John peach


Dr Tharaka Wijerathne


Consultant anaesthetist at The Rotherham Foundation Trust England.
Clinician caring acutely ill patients, perioperative care and patients suffering from acute pain.

Trainer and euducational supervisor. Passionate supporting society to upgrade innovative educational stratergies.

Yolena Gesheva


Yolena Gesheva is a last-year dental student. As a Research Officer at the European Dental Students’ Association and a President of the Bulgarian Dental Students’ Association she worked with youth from all over the world.

Facing a variety of challenges that impacted their mental health, such as academic pressure, social isolation, financial stress, and personal relationships, she managed to develop healthy coping mechanisms, practice self-care and seek support when needed.

Mental health is as important as physical health and it should be prioritised by providing access to mental health services, promoting mental health awareness, and creating a supportive environment.

John peach



SMR formed in October 2021 and have a highly qualified and experienced team on board.All our counsellors are regulated and monitored by senior certified psychologists with over 10 years of experience amongst them.

SMR is a project of ZI Foundation.


Charity Number 1200400


SMR is strictly an online suicide preventive and counselling service providing immediate access to clinical psychologists/therapists/counsellors in most cases. SMR does not deal with actively suicidal cases(If someone is in the process actively committing Suicide). Our psychologists and management are exempt from any responsibility in cases of any such actively committed suicide case if helpline is contacted. Calling 999 or contacting a nearby emergency service should be done in extreme cases.

SMR does not claim to be a substitute for medical treatment; appropriate specialist advice should be sought in such severe cases.


Address: 77 Lincoln Rd,
United Kingdom
Open: 10AM – 8PM

Phone : +443005610099
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