Skydiving For Awareness Event

 Awareness Event in South with Doctors and Community Leaders

Peterborough Heroes Event in Parlament House

Meeting at Bulgarian Embassy in London

Zi Foundation Support to the Poppy Appeal

Zi Foundation Peterborough Appeal

Zi Foundation Humanitarian Help for the Bangladesh Floodings

Parliament House Covid Awards Cambridgeshire

Iftar Celebration for People facing poverty in Bangladesh sponsored by Zi Foundation

Nogdipur , Bangladesh Children school opened by Zi Foundation

Founder of Zi Foundation Award Ceremony MBE by Princess Royal

Zi Foundation Visit at the Rohingyas, Bangladesh

Zi Foundation Founder awarded Peterborough Hero

Zi Foundation Free Mask Distribution in Peterborough during Covid

Zi Foundation One City One Community- Meeting with Different Community Leaders in Peterborough

Zi Foundation Hot Meals , Essentials and Masks and gloves distribution during Covid in Peterborough


SMR formed in October 2021 and have a highly qualified and experienced team on board.All our counsellors are regulated and monitored by senior certified psychologists with over 10 years of experience amongst them.

SMR is a project of ZI Foundation.


Charity Number 1200400


SMR is strictly an online suicide preventive and counselling service providing immediate access to clinical psychologists/therapists/counsellors in most cases. SMR does not deal with actively suicidal cases(If someone is in the process actively committing Suicide). Our psychologists and management are exempt from any responsibility in cases of any such actively committed suicide case if helpline is contacted. Calling 999 or contacting a nearby emergency service should be done in extreme cases.

SMR does not claim to be a substitute for medical treatment; appropriate specialist advice should be sought in such severe cases.


Address: 77 Lincoln Rd,
United Kingdom
Open: 10AM – 8PM

Phone : +443005610099
Email :

©All copyright reserved by SMR